Celebrating this Season of Holy Days

This Sunday, December 22, at 10:30 am,
“It’s the Living Nativity!, our no-rehearsal Christmas pageant!,”

Worship this Sunday led by Rev. Frank Clarkson and Clare Fortune-Lad, with music by Sarah Del Dotto and William Morley, plus a cast of thousands! We gather for worship on this Sunday before Christmas, and the second half of the service is our heartwarming pageant telling the Nativity story, with a part for everyone who wants one. This year we have many new costumes in youth and adult sizes, so feel free to come early and pick a role before worship, if you'd like. Please come to church friends, in person or on Zoom!

Christmas Eve
Tuesday December 24, at 5:30 pm
Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols

led by Rev. Frank Clarkson, Clare Fortune-Lad, Melody Jenkins Fried, with readings by our youth and special music by Neal Ferreira, Delia Black, Aiden Wertz, and Emma Clarkson. On this special night we gather to hear the old story of Jesus’ birth, to sing the lovely carols, and make room in our hearts for Love/God/Spirit incarnate/embodied/in our midst. Please join us on this holy night—in person if you can, or on Zoom!

What’s Happening Here?

Alcoholics Anonymous, Sunday, Tuesday, & Thursday at 7 pm

Grief Support Circle, led by Tom Ellis and Rev. Frank, first and third Tuesdays at 10:30 am

Play Church, after-school gathering for children & parents/caregivers, Tuesdays 3:30 to 5 pm

Mindful Meditation Practice, led by Bets Robertson, Tuesdays at 7 pm (online only Jan & Feb)

Brown Bag Lunch w/ Rev. Frank, Wednesdays at noon

Community Meals, a free hot meal served on the 1st, 3rd, & 5th Saturdays at 3 pm

UUCH Circle, first Saturday 1 to 3 pm

Reflections, led by Linda Sanchez and Mary Roth, fourth Sunday at noon

Regular Online Gatherings

Mindful Meditation Practice, led by Bets Robertson, Tuesdays at 7 pm

Writing as Spiritual Practice, Wednesdays at 8 am

Reflections Group, led by Linda Sanchez, Third Wednesdays at 7 pm

Donate Online!

Click here, or text “give” to 978-321-2821. Thanks for your generous support!

Other Resources

UUCH YouTube Channel

Sermons and Podcast

Rev. Frank’s Blog

Welcoming. Caring. Faith. Community.

The UU Church of Haverhill is an open and vibrant church serving Haverhill, the Merrimack Valley and southern New Hampshire. We are known for inspiring and openhearted worship, friendly people, and putting our faith into action by being a force for good in the wider community.

Rooted in the progressive Protestant tradition, we take inspiration from many sources. We are people looking to live deeper lives, and to help heal and bless our world. We are a Welcoming Congregation, which means we fully welcome LGBTQ folks into the church and our leadership. If you are seeking more connection, more meaning, and more purpose in your life, then please visit us!

Upcoming Church Events

Check out the full calendar of church events and activities to the left! Or browse the recent weekly e-news.
You can sign up for weekly email updates at the bottom of the page.

The Universalist Unitarian Church of Haverhill serves members and friends from across the Merrimack Valley and southern New Hampshire, including:

  • Haverhill

  • Lawerence

  • Bradford

  • Groveland

  • Andover

  • Merrimac

  • Amesbury

  • Salisbury

  • West Newbury

  • Plaistow, NH

  • Kingston, NH

  • Salem, NH

  • Hampstead, NH

  • Sandown, NH


Visit us at 15 Kenoza Avenue, Haverhill, MA