This Sunday, March 23, at 10:30 am,
“Blessed Be the Longing”
Rev. Frank Clarkson preaching, with Joanna Fortna, Kristie Colton, and music by Gina McKeown and our church choir. Spiritual wisdom teaches that listening to your longings can lead to depth and wholeness. So why do we avoid them? Opening up to longing can bring us into a more generous and openhearted space, which we’ll explore this Sunday. Come join us, in person or on Zoom!
Vespers in Lent, Wednesdays at 6 pm
During this season we offer this quiet service for evening in our candlelit sanctuary, followed by a simple meal. If you’d like to participate in the service or help with the meal, you can sign up here.
What’s Happening Here?
In addition to Sunday worship and religious education, we offer a number of ways to connect here on a regular basis.
Alcoholics Anonymous, Sunday, Tuesday, & Thursday at 7 pm
Grief Support Circle, led by Tom Ellis and Rev. Frank, first and third Tuesdays at 10:30 am
Play Church, after-school gathering for children & parents/caregivers, Tuesdays 3:30 to 5 pm
Mindful Meditation Practice, Buddhist-inspired meditation, led by Bets Robertson, Tuesdays at 7 pm
Brown Bag Lunch w/ Rev. Frank, Wednesdays at noon
Community Meals, a free hot meal served on the 1st, 3rd, & 5th Saturdays at 3 pm
UUCH Circle, Sarina Ryan, President and Trudy Blyth, Vice President, first Saturday 1 to 3 pm
Reflections, led by Linda Sanchez and Mary Roth, fourth Sunday at noon
Regular Online Gatherings
Mindful Meditation Practice, led by Bets Robertson, Tuesdays at 7 pm
Writing as Spiritual Practice, Wednesdays at 8 am
Reflections Group, led by Linda Sanchez, Third Wednesdays at 7 pm
Our Capital Campaign is Concluded!
The past five years have seen one of the biggest undertakings at the Universalist Unitarian Church of Haverhill in many decades. Through our Lift Us Up! Capital Campaign, our community helped us to give new life to our upstairs spaces, and to make our whole building accessible to all.
Donate Online!
Click here, or text “give” to 978-321-2821. Thanks for your generous support!
Other Resources
Welcoming. Caring. Faith. Community.
The UU Church of Haverhill is an open and vibrant church serving Haverhill, the Merrimack Valley and southern New Hampshire. We are known for inspiring and openhearted worship, friendly people, and putting our faith into action by being a force for good in the wider community.
Rooted in the progressive Protestant tradition, we take inspiration from many sources. We are people looking to live deeper lives, and to help heal and bless our world. We are a Welcoming Congregation, which means we fully welcome LGBTQ folks into the church and our leadership. If you are seeking more connection, more meaning, and more purpose in your life, then please visit us!
Upcoming Church Events
Check out the full calendar of church events and activities to the left! Or browse the recent weekly e-news.
You can sign up for weekly email updates at the bottom of the page.
The Universalist Unitarian Church of Haverhill serves members and friends from across the Merrimack Valley and southern New Hampshire, including:
West Newbury
Plaistow, NH
Kingston, NH
Salem, NH
Hampstead, NH
Sandown, NH
Visit us at 15 Kenoza Avenue, Haverhill, MA