Programs and Groups
We offer a diverse and growing number of ways to connect with others here; ways to grow in spirit and in service and have fun too! Here’s an overview of some offerings and groups here; you will find more time-specific information on our church calendar.
Play Church
Tuesdays from 3:30-5 pm
This fun gathering offers the chance for children to run and play together while parents, grandparents and caregivers enjoy some adult time over a cup of tea.
Mindful Meditation practice
Tuesdays at 7 Pm
This Buddhist-inspired approach offers both meditation practice and teaching in a friendly and supportive group setting. Led by Bets Robertson.
UUCH Circle
Second Saturdays at 1 pm
Members of the Circle having fun and getting things done, making apple crisp for a fall fundraiser!
The 'Circle', established in 1835, is open to all who attend UUCH. It meets one Saturday monthly with a short business discussion along with a social or educational activity.
It contributes to the church financially for special projects and humanitarian causes with its fundraising efforts, including Apple Crisp Sunday, special events and raffles. It provides opportunities for growth through field trips, book discussions and speakers. It builds relationships by a card ministry, honoring our RE grads and other intergenerational connections. It actively supports other projects sponsored by the church. It offers individual members assistance with memorial services and other celebrations.
There are many ways to contribute to the 'Circle'. Your participation will help ensure UUCH remains a vibrant, strong caring community.
Information on our next meeting is on the church calendar. We would love to see you! To learn more contact Circle President Sarina Ryan.
Community Meals
Community Meals offers a fresh cooked meal with an emphasis on fresh food including farm fresh produce and meat. UUCH feeds friends and neighbors on the first, third, and fifth Saturdays of the month.
→ More information about community meals
Small Group Ministry
Small Group Ministry offers the opportunity to connect with others and consider significant questions and ideas in a deeper way. Each small group (7 to 10 people) commits to meeting twice a month for a minimum of three months. These groups, led by a facilitator who’s also a member of the group, engage in a practice of deep listening and engaged participation that can be powerful and helpful.
Third Wednesdays at 7pm on Zoom
Fourth Sundays at 12pm in the 2nd Floor Youth Room
Reflections discussion group offers an opportunity for folks to share their thoughts and listen mindfully to the thoughts of others. Reflections is less of a back-and-forth conversation and more of a holding space for one another, so meetings have a sacred, quiet feel - with, of course, lots of shared laughter!
Reflections meets twice monthly.
On the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm, on Zoom, our topic is member-suggested; topics include ideas like Acceptance, Balance, and Belonging.
→ Join by ZoomOn the fourth Sunday of each month at noon we meet in person, upstairs in the Youth Room. Sunday meetings focus on the current month's church theme and the sermons.
All are welcome! We grow exponentially with the energy of new members. Contact Linda ( for more info.
Wednesdays In Advent & Lent, At 6 pm
Vespers is a quiet and contemplative service in our candlelit sanctuary; thirty minutes of silence, simple readings, music and prayer in the middle of the week during the seasons of Advent and Lent.
Groups We Host
New Moon Coffeehouse, Third Saturday, 8 pm
For over thirty years the New Moon Coffeehouse has offered great live folk and acoustic music here on most months from September through May (no show in December). For more information, and for the current season’s schedule, visit the New Moon website.
Support and Recovery Groups
Alcoholics Anonymous
Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday At 7 PM
We are pleased to host three AA meetings each week in our basement (enter from Ashland Street). We’re grateful for the healing and life-saving work AA brings to our community.
Liz Murphy Open Hand Pantry
Tuesdays From 4-7 pm
Run by St James and St John the Baptist, the pantry offers food to those in need.