Sunday Services
We gather as a community on Sunday morning for worship.
Our service often follows a fairly typical Protestant form, with hymns, spoken prayers and silence, readings, and a sermon. One thing that makes us different is the breadth of our sources—you’ll hear contemporary poetry read as well as texts from the Bible and other sacred scriptures.
Most Sundays the children and youth begin in the sanctuary, and leave after about fifteen minutes for their religious education programming.
The Sunday service lasts about an hour, and is followed by fellowship time (aka coffee hour) in the Murray Room, which is adjacent to the sanctuary.
For a taste of our worship, you can listen to sermon podcasts or read past sermons here.
“To worship is to stand in awe under a heaven of stars, before a flower, a leaf in sunlight or a grain of sand. To worship is to work with dedication and with skill; it is to pause from work and listen to a strain of music. Worship is loneliness seeking communion; it is a thirsty land crying out for rain. Worship is the mystery within us reaching out to the mystery beyond. It is an inarticulate silence yearning to speak; it is the window of the moment open to the sky of the eternal.”