Lifespan Faith Formation

Adult Religious Education at UUCH is an ever-evolving program that depends on your input and expertise!

Favorites include Advent and Lent Vespers Services, book groups, opportunities to learn about spiritual practices, UUCH History, theological discussions, and Third Thursdays when we gather for Dinner & rotating programming.

We are also proud to offer Chalice Circles, also known as Small Group Ministry, which provides a space for no more than 10 congregants to join together on their spiritual journey by exploring short readings and themes on a regular basis. New Chalice Circle groups typically meeting six times over an approximately 12-week period. Each session is 90 minutes and can be a great way to have deeper conversations with others seeking community.

Be on the look out for opportunities to explore our monthly worship themes in our Reflections Group, UU 101 sessions for newcomers, opportunities to explore our role in creating Beloved Community, and other offerings that occur throughout the year.

In December 2022 and again in December 2024, UUCH received grant funding from the Haverhill Cultural Council to bring giant panels of the National AIDS Memorial Quilt to our Sanctuary. We hope to again have the opportunity to observe World AIDS Day with the largest piece of community folk art on the planet - stay tuned!

If there is something you would like to learn about, teach, or discuss with your fellow parishioners, contact Clare or Frank.