Religious Education
A healthy spirituality is one that’s always seeking new understanding and insights. Buddhists talk about the value of “beginner’s mind,” and here we aim to create a culture of lifelong learning and faith formation. We offer several ways for our young people to join together in fellowship and learning. Please email Clare Fortune-Lad or call her at the church for more information about these opportunities for babies to teenagers.
We offer adult programs throughout the week to help you go deeper in your spiritual life. We also offer age-appropriate religious education for children and youth during most Sunday Morning Worship Services. Our young people almost always begin their morning in worship with their parents or caregivers, then head upstairs to their classrooms around 10:45 am. Parents and caregivers are welcome to stay upstairs with their young people as they adjust to the new environment. Each classroom has at least two background-checked adults (volunteer or staff) at all times.
Several times a year, our focus will be on spiritual practices like yoga, mindfulness, loving kindness meditation, or gratitude. Other RE rituals include service projects such as making sandwiches or fleece hats for local people in need right here in our neighborhood.
Click on the headings below to learn about what we offer in each age group:
Babies and Toddlers
Preschool to Elementary
Junior Youth
Senior Youth
Lifespan Faith Formation