In these weeks when our worship theme is “Images of the Divine,” some of you have been sharing with me your ideas and images and experiences of this mystery that we do catch glimpses of from time to time. We’ve been having conversations about how we apprehend the presence that some of us call God, and how fleeting these experiences can be, and how hard it can be to talk about them. But that’s why we’re here—to point toward the good and the true, to open ourselves up to these holy mysteries.
Struggling With the Word 'God'
Recently I was going through a box of old things and found a small notebook labeled “backpacking log”, a day-to-day description of a weeklong 80-mile hike that Hal and I took together on the Appalachian Trail in northeastern Pennsylvania. Reading those pages brought back a visceral memory of each day’s adventure through a very rocky stretch of trail, the blisters, the weight of the packs, the mice that ate our granola. Some days were harder than others, but we arrived at our final destination, the Delaware Water Gap, a beautiful vista along the river. As anyone who has backpacked knows, there are always mishaps and struggles that happen when you are carrying your shelter, food, water and clothing on your backs and in those days, there were no cellphones, so we were off the grid from our family and friends until midweek when we found a payphone at a tavern and could call home and tell everyone we were still in one piece. By the time we reached the end of our trail, we were dirty, weary but happy we had successfully completed the hike. Ready to be picked up by family, I wrote my last passage in the journal, ending with the words, “Thank you God.”
Testimonial by Abbe Wertz
Testimonial by Sonia Hadley
Good morning, My name is Sonia Hadley and I have been attending this church fairly regularly for almost a year.
I believe that any strong healthy relationship has both give and take. When thinking about why this “give and take” works for me, at this particular church, a long list came to mind.
For those of you old enough to remember David Letterman’s Late Night Top Ten lists, I put my list into his format, the only difference you should be aware of is that David Letterman’s top ten lists were funny and mine -not so much. Here we go.
Forgetting & Re-membering, Imaging and Imagining
What we just sang, now there’s a prayer for these days:
Light shine in.
Luminate our inward view.
Help us to see with clarity.
For these days when interest in organized religion is at an all time low, and yet, there is still a hunger for life-giving spiritualities:
Shine bright and true so we may join our songs
in new sounds that become full symphony.
Love and Compassion
We just heard the choir sing words from Rev. Gretchen Haley:
You are loved in this moment: safe, whole, and loved.
You belong here, upon this earth.
However tired or broken, angry or afraid,
You are loved, and you are not alone.
This is one of the necessities of life, isn’t it? To feel loved enough, and whole enough, that you can be present here, to this life; can be open to what comes, trusting that you have what you need for the living of these days.
What Do We Know of Love?
I'm so grateful to Aiden for preaching last week, and for his inspiration of this month’s theme, of the four loves. I'm grateful to Aiden for his great sermon, in which he unpacked these four kinds of love: affection, friendship, romance, and charity or agape. And I'm grateful to Aiden for preaching so I could go on vacation!
A couple of months ago I was in the car with some retired ministers, heading to Boston for the board meeting of an organization we serve. I was in the backseat, as was Brad, and we were talking about church, of course. And he said, “It seems every sermon I hear lately ends up talking about love; saying that, whatever the problem is, love is the answer. That if we have more love, and act with love, and stand on the side of love, then things will be OK. But I want and need preachers to give me something more tangible than that!”
The Four Loves
At some point in my second year of seminary, I stumbled upon a book entitled “The Bible and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Intrigued, I grabbed it off the shelf, wondering if it was some kind of Chicken Soup for the Soul-esque collection, and if so, how it ended up in the seminary library. Opening it up to the introduction, I was struck by the epigraph on the first page, which was this dialogue:
And don’t some people fall in love with their heart’s desire,
Marry, and live reasonably happy lives?
Some. For a while. Maybe. I can’t say.
Don’t you believe in love?
Yes, but the word has been polluted. Beware of people who go
Around talking about loving and caring.
Homily for the Commissioning of Joshua Goulet
Homily given by the Rev. Ed Frost for the commissioning of Chaplain Joshua Goulet to the community ministry of spiritual care.
Breadth and Depth, Dark and Light
That hymn we just sang is based on words from the book of the prophet Isaiah:
“Come, all you who are thirsty,
come to the waters;
and you who have no money,
come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk
without money and without cost.
Why spend money on what is not bread,
and your labor on what does not satisfy?” (Isaiah 55:1-2a)