I love that hymn. It’s just beautiful, isn’t it? Hear again the words of the last verse:
For the world we raise our voices, for the home that gives us birth;
in our joy we sing returning home to our bluegreen hills of earth.
Do you hear how it puts together the work of caring for this world with the experience of joy?
There’s a refrain that echoes through the Hebrew prophets, calling the people to return, to remember who they are and whose they are. The prophet Malachi quotes God saying, “Return to me, and I will return to you.” You could translate that as, “Come to your senses, come home to your true nature, and your life will be renewed and richly blessed.” What if we, like the hymn we just sang, combine this idea of return with joy? That paying attention to what matters, giving your hands to that good work, will bring goodness and gladness.